Six Months of Forelock & Fringe

6 Months of Forelock and Fringe
After the most amazing 6 months of F&F, we thought it would be a great time to find out what has been the most popular box and products! We have teamed up with our wonderful brand ambassadors to ask them about their favourite box.
Sophie (AKA Riding Remington)

Which box so far has been your favourite and why?
It’s a very close call between the June and the September box but if I can only pick one then the June box just pips the September box to the post.
The Miasuki socks, the equiXtreme fly spray (fly spray that actually WORKS!) and the Pinkster gin (need I say anymore!) is what make this one a winner for me!
Out of all the amazing equine products used so far which has been your favourite(s)/most used?
Can I cheat and pick two; one product for me and one for the ponies?! The Horseware NutriLick was definitely a favourite with all the ponies. Remmi can sometimes be a bit of a pest if left unattended on the yard (Houdini is his nickname) and this kept him occupied, safe and exactly where he should be!
For me it has to be the Miasuki riding socks ~ They are beautiful, stylish and practical.
Which has been your favourite product(s) to treat yourself?
Definitely Lola’s Apothercary bath oil!
I’m a huge bath person and a massive lover of bath oils so I instantly fell in love when I saw this.
It’s luxurious, smells amazing and leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturised!
What is one product you would still like to see in an upcoming box?
Mane and tail serum. Personally, I feel like serum is one of the most underrated equine products. I love that serums offer dazzling shine as well as detangling the hair ~ A pea sized dollop, quick brush through and you’ve got the look of freshly washed hair in 30 seconds ~ It’s the dry shampoo of the horse world!
Mersley Stud – Kath

Which box so far has been your favourite and why?
This is a tough one as I’m torn between two – the May Box and the September Box! Both boxes had a really great mix of useful equine products and luxury treats for the rider, but I think the September Box just squeezes in front thanks to its inclusion of gin, chocolate and Spacemasks, which for me has been the ultimate combination of indulgence so far!
Out of all the amazing equine products used so far which has been your favourite(s)/most used?
Definitely the Renapur Leather Balsam and the WildWash Shampoo, though I imagine the horses would choose the Nutrilick as their favourite product as that has gone down an absolute storm in the yard, despite one of them almost destroying the packaging on the first day of opening it!
The Renapur Balsam is now my number one go to tack and boot conditioner – a little goes a long way and it polishes, nourishes and waterproofs all my leather items without leaving a sticky film like many similar products I’ve tried, whilst still providing a lovely, lasting shine.
Having a grey horse with sweet itch can be a bit of a nightmare but using the WildWash Medicated Shampoo with its anti inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic qualities has helped soothe and protect him from the irritation of bites, as well as successfully removing the tricky stable stains, which means I can now keep him clean without worrying about any adverse effects the shampoo may be having on his sensitive skin.
Which has been your favourite product(s) to treat yourself?
Alcohol, chocolate and fudge aside, it has to be the Spacemasks and Evolve Beauty products. As someone with sensitive skin who sometimes struggles to just sit back and relax after a long day, these particular brands have been a very welcome addition to my usual evening routine.
What is one product you would still like to see in an upcoming box?
A Pegasus Vitality Bracelet! Many of us equestrians suffer from aches and pains throughout the year, whether it’s from old injuries or just the general wear and tear on our bodies that caring for horses creates, and after hearing some great reviews about the effectiveness of the Pegasus Vitality range in relieving joint complaints, boosting energy levels, reducing tiredness and aiding sleep, I think one of their bracelets would be an absolutely perfect addition to a future Forelock & Fringe box.
Sid Goes Eventing
Hi guys! It’s your favourite ray of sunshine and her donkey here
I know they say time flies when you’re having fun, but boy what a six months we have had with Forelock & Fringe…..
Since we have hit our “half-anniversary” (it’s a THING, truly it is), Sid and I have been reflecting on our highlights so far.
Pick up that bucket of vino, grab a wedge of homemade fudge and check it out!

Which box so far has been your favourite and why?
This is the killer question, isn’t it! I have loved all of the boxes for a variety of reasons, but, if you had my back up against the wall and were brandishing a shotgun at me, I would have to say:
The AUGUST box!!!
Why, you ask? Well, as an eventer, it was a particularly handy box for me, as it contained Equi-N-Ice ice socks, to keep Sid’s tendons nice and cool after a tiring cross country round, together with Equidgel Hi-Drate – an amazing powder that you add to water at an event. It then creates a sort of mush (I know it doesn’t sound appealing, but Sid loved it) which my noble steed can wolf down at the end of an event to rehydrate himself. Sid can be a little bit reluctant to gulp down water when he is tired, so you can imagine how much I worry about him dehydrating, particularly on hot days, which is why Hi-Drate is such a godsend!
The Moorland Rider tie-up went straight onto the side of my trailer to keep Sid adjacent (and not wandering off making friends) as I faff around the car or sneak to the coffee stand to buy a hot chocolate with cream and sprinkles, and who doesn’t love Kettle Chips?!
The Hydrophane coat gloss keeps him shining in an effort to distract the dressage judge from our mediocre tests and the Konjac sponge is super handy for wiping his eyes and ears. He’s a sensitive soul, bless him, but even he doesn’t complain when I whack out this sponge!
I think I may be addicted to the Lucky Cloud face oil, because the scent really lifts my spirits. Speaking of spirits, I do NOT even need to explain why a bottle of Stowells wine is an excellent box addition….
It’s the gift that keeps on giving, as if our event has gone badly, I enjoy a commiseratory glass of wine. If it has gone well, we celebrate with vino! Vin Vin situation (excuse the pun)!
I feel I have explained myself clearly. August box FTW.
Out of all the amazing equine products used so far which has been your favourite(s)/most used?
Oh gosh!
For “most used” – it would have to be, without a doubt, the Silverfeet hoof balm. Sid has such delicate, troublesome feet….in the winter, they are too soft and crumble. Sid enjoys losing a shoe or two – a WEEK! In the summer, they become hard and brittle and crack.
However, I have been religiously applying the hoof balm and I have noticed such an improvement, almost as if Sid is getting regular pedicures! His farrier, too, is pleased with the progress we are making.
As they say, no hoof no horse!
In terms of my favourite, I absolutely adore the Lola’s Apothecary rosemary bath oil. You only have to use a few drops and your bathroom absolutely is transformed by the floral scent. I also leave the bath feeling luxuriously smooth (a miraculous feat, given my post-wedding lack of regular shaving).
Which has been your favourite product(s) to treat yourself?
Ooh, now we are talking!!!
It goes without saying that PROSECCO is my ultimate treat. However, it is a treat that I enjoy as regularly as possible.
Something that I never would have bought myself, but which I absolutely adore as a huge treat every once in a while, are the Spacemasks.
What is a Spacemask, I hear you ask? Well, it’s an eye mask with a beautiful pattern on it, that heats up once opened from its packet.
I have never come across these, but my goodness, what a beautiful feeling, to sit back in a bubble bath, with a glass of bubbles in one hand, and feel that relaxing heat spread across your eyes and forehead. I have found that these masks completely release any tension I am feeling from a stressful week, and leave me set up and ready to face the next one! Love love love them!
What is one product you would still like to see in an upcoming box?
I am a little bit of a health junkie (bar the alcohol and chocolates, you understand) and so I would love to see a healthy, luxury food offering in the boxes….
I do have a sneaky suspicion that something may be on the horizon, and I hope I’m not giving anything away here, but if I am right (my husband will tell you it’s a rare occurrence) you may want to keep your eyes peeled for an exciting home-grown UK brand that have some really tasty products that Forelock and Fringe are going to introduce you to, you lucky things!!!
And with all of that being said, I raise my full prosecco glass to a wonderful six months, full of fabulousness and fun!!!